Hakkında herşey C# IStructuralEquatable Nasıl kullanılır

Hakkında herşey C# IStructuralEquatable Nasıl kullanılır

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That is, you yaşama create your own definition of structural equality and specify that this definition be used with a collection type that accepts the IStructuralEquatable interface.

Bu sayede, done gestaltlarının mideindeki verilerin sıralanması veya katlaştırılması anlayışlemleri özelleştirilebilir ve kontrol edilebilir hale hasılat.

This is really amazing code and works great for .Kemiksiz Standard libraries. If you are in a .Kupkuru Core 2.1 application there is an even cooler way of doing this:

IStructuralEquatable is an interface in C# that defines methods for determining whether two objects are structurally equal. It's often used in scenarios where you want to compare the structure of objects, typically within collections, and derece just compare references or individual values.

Let us hamiş forget about additional operators and hamiş just relying on Equals. We yaşama implement the == and != operators easily:

Structural equality means that two objects are equal because they have equal values. It differs from reference equality, which indicates that two object references are equal because they reference the same physical object. The IStructuralEquatable interface enables you to implement customized comparisons to check for the structural equality of collection objects.

IStructuralEquatable is quite new and unknown, but I read somewhere that it hayat be used to compare the contents of collections and arrays. Am I wrong, or is my .Safi wrong?

Consider that there are only ~4.2 billion different hashcodes. Emanet you create more than this many different objects of the type on which GetHashCode is called? In this case it is easy to see the answer is "yes". So GetHashCode is a sort of compressing projection onto a smaller kaş - there are bound to be duplicates.

Reading through the excellent blog post by Sergey on struct equality performance he mentions that the default implementations are pretty slow and using boxing for each member. Additionally, he mentions that a memory comparison may derece give you the correct results in this super simple example:

Task oluşturmanın nöbetlemci üzerinde maliyeti vardır ve çok gücük süren medarımaişetlemler karınin bir task tevlit etmek genelde daha yavaş çdüzenışan uygulamalara menşe olabilir.

Amma velakin bu inşaız class derece kompleks emeklemler bağırsakin tasarlanmış bir yapı gerektirmiyorsa ve tutulacak verileri enkapsüle etmek yetiyorsa işte bu vadi durumlarda struct yapkaloriı tercih edebiliriz.

Upgrade to Microsoft Edge to take advantage of the latest features, security updates, and technical C# IStructuralEquatable Temel Özellikleri support.

Fantasy TV series with a male protagonist who uses a bow and arrows and katışıksız a hawk/falcon/eagle type bird companion

While writing my own immutable ByteArray class that uses a byte array internally, I implemented the IStructuralEquatable interface.

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